Remanufactured Engine Valves?
    It's our specialty. We can help!

Remanufactured Valves right to your specifications. Onsize. Oversize. Any size.

Our Valves are precisely exactly what you, the customer, requires.

We take your cores, remanufacture them to your specifications, and allow you to do what you do best : build engines. Your stems can be a standard diameter, or, for additional savings, oversized so all you need to do is ream out the guides.
Save not only on valves, but also guides, and most importantly, time.

Your Cores
Our Process
All Quality

Our Features

Customer Support

Full engineering staff to support your reman needs..


ISO Certified since 1999.

Automotive Valves

We work with the OEM, OEM Remanufacturer's, and Production Reman's.


Heavy Duty Valves for Heavy Duty OEM Reman's

Hard Chrome Plating

Valve stems plated with industrial hard chrome, back to new condition.


Custom sized. Solid Carbide. Cuts like Ali punches. Smooth.


Quick turnaround to strengthen your bottom line.


Competitive. Very competitive.

and more...

Our entire process is geared to do one thing : Your Valves. Whatever you need, whatever size, whatever packaging, we can handle it.
Want to reduce labor costs while dropping valve guide costs? Ask us about oversized stems.
Prefer them back to OEM size? You got it! We can make sure all other critical dimensions are back to OEM spec.

Supply chain challenges problems issues that we can help you resolve.

New valve supplier not providing you product on time? We can take your cores and supplement your operation giving you control and keeping your lines up and running.

We've kept our customers producing engines while others have had to wait. And wait. And wait... A healthy supply chain is multiple suppliers, multiple sources, multiple methods. Remanufactured valves can supplement your operation and give you control over your production.

We're not the only ones that loves Cal Grinding...

Tens of millions of valves remanufactured. Meet a few of our customers.